In a ‘Country Overview’ report, EASO aims to provide information on a wide range of topics of particular relevance for international protection status determination (Refugee Status and Subsidiary Protection) for Bangladeshi applicants.
The information has largely been taken from open sources, such as international and Bangladeshi NGOs, think tanks, media, and academic research. The majority of the information was researched during the drafting period 4 to 22 September 2017. Some additional information was researched during the implementation phase of the peer-review comments, with the purpose of complementing the existing draft.
No information on events occurring after 22 October 2017 has been included in the report, with the exception of chapter 20. Due to the rapid escalation of the situation concerning Rohingya, it was deemed necessary by both drafters and peer-reviewers to include information beyond the agreed information cut-off date. Research for chapter 20 was conducted until 30 November 2017.
The first chapter of this report provides general country information about the geography, demography and economy in Bangladesh. The second chapter presents the state structures and political system, followed by political parties in the third chapter. The fourth chapter covers the judiciary and informal justice systems, while chapter five provides references to criminal law. Chapters six to nine focuses on the police and security forces, arrest and detention, prison conditions, and the death penalty, respectively. In chapter ten, a number of non-state armed groups are described as well as recent terrorist attacks. Chapter 11 examines freedom of expression and the media, and chapter 12 covers freedom of religion. Chapter 13 is devoted to the main minority ethnic groups, and chapter 14 and 15 to the situation of women and LGBT persons. Chapter 16 gives information on freedom of movement and chapter 17 is on human trafficking. The last three chapters focus on land disputes, personal loans and debts, and the Rohingya refugee population in Bangladesh.
This report was co-drafted by the national asylum and migration departments of Bulgaria, Italy and United Kingdom.
The following departments reviewed this report, together with EASO:
- Czech Republic, Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, International and European Affairs Unit;
- Norway, Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre, Landinfo;
- Slovenia, Migration Office, International Protection Proceedings Division;
- Slovak Republic, Migration Office, Department of Documentation and Foreign Cooperation.
This report was written according to the EASO COI Report Methodology.
Politique de traitement
La politique définie par le commissaire général se fonde sur une analyse approfondie d’informations récentes et détaillées sur la situation générale dans le pays. Ces informations ont été recueillies de manière professionnelle auprès de diverses sources objectives, dont le Bureau européen d’appui en matière d’asile, le Haut-Commissariat aux réfugiés des Nations unies, des organisations internationales de défense des droits de l’homme, des organisations non gouvernementales, ainsi que la littérature spécialisée et les médias. Pour définir sa politique, le commissaire général ne se fonde donc pas exclusivement sur les COI Focus publiés sur le site du CGRA, qui ne traitent que de certains aspects particuliers de la situation du pays. Le fait qu’un COI Focus date d’un certain temps déjà ne signifie donc pas que la politique menée par le commissaire général ne soit plus d’actualité.
Pour examiner une demande d’asile, le commissaire général tient non seulement compte de la situation objective dans le pays d’origine à la date de la décision mais également de la situation individuelle et des circonstances personnelles du demandeur. Chaque demande d’asile est examinée au cas par cas. Le demandeur d’asile doit montrer de manière suffisamment concrète qu’il éprouve une crainte fondée de persécution ou court un risque réel d’atteintes graves. Il ne peut donc se contenter de renvoyer à la situation générale dans son pays mais doit également présenter des faits concrets et crédibles le concernant personnellement.
Pour ce pays, il n’y a pas une note de politique de traitement disponible sur le site web.