This report provides relevant information on the situation of registered and unregistered Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
The legal status of Afghans living in Pakistan determines their ability to access education, health services, property and housing and legal aid. Afghan refugees living in Pakistan can be broadly divided into four main groups: Proof of Registration (PoR) cardholders, Afghan Citizens Card (ACC) holders, unregistered Afghan refugees and Afghan passport holders with Pakistani visa. The main focus of this report lies on the Afghan refugees and not the Afghan passport holders with Pakistani visa.
The report provides a brief historical overview of Afghan migration to Pakistan, it describes the legal status of Afghans living in Pakistan and its impact on their ability to access education, employment, health services, housing, financial and communication services, legal aid. Further, the report provides information on the attitude of the Government of Pakistan as well as on the general attitude of Pakistan's population towards Afghan refugees.
The first draft of this report was finalised on 15 April 2020. Some additional information was added during the finalisation of this report in response to feedback received during the quality control process, until 6 May 2020.
EASO would like to acknowledge the Belgian Centre for Documentation and Research (Cedoca) in the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons, as the drafter of this report.
The following national asylum and migration departments reviewed this report:
France, Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless persons (OFPRA), Information, Documentation and Research Division (DIDR)
Germany, Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), Country Analysis
The following external organisation reviewed this report:
ACCORD, the Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentati
Politique de traitement
La situation en matière de sécurité et de droits humains est problématique au Pakistan. De nombreux civils sont affectés par la violence ethno-politique ou confessionnelle et, souvent, les autorités pakistanaises n’ont pas la capacité ou la volonté de leur offrir une protection. Pour une grande part, la violence qui frappe le Pakistan est le fait des organisations terroristes actives dans le pays. Ces organisations visent principalement les services de sécurité et l’armée, les minorités religieuses et les hommes politiques. Des attentats à grande échelle sont parfois commis dans le but de faire un maximum de victimes dans une communauté donnée. Ces attentats visent en général les minorités religieuses, surtout les musulmans chiites. De tels attentats sont plutôt l’exception que la règle. La situation sécuritaire est également influencée par des flambées de violences opposant des éléments extrémistes aux forces gouvernementales dans le nord-ouest du pays et par le soulèvement nationaliste au Baloutchistan.