EASO COI Report. The situation for Chechens in Russia


The report provides an overview of the situation of Chechens living in Russia, outside of the North Caucasus. By examining the situation using a variety of sources and focusing on different topics such as legal requirements, the criminal justice system, socio-economic circumstances, and the role of the authorities, together with closer examination of the situation for a number of specific groups, including returnees, the aim is to present a coherent account of the current situation.

In the first chapter, an overview of the Chechen communities in Russia outside of the North Caucasus region is given, including the size and location of the communities and specific information on the largest communities.

In Chapter 2, legal requirements such as procedures for renewing internal passport, obtaining external passport, and registering for residence is examined from both a procedural and a practical perspective.

Chapter 3 includes four aspects of socio-economic circumstances: housing, education, work, and health care. Each section includes a subsection on how the topic intersects with residence registration, how the system works in Russia, and how specifically the access for Chechens is in each area.

In Chapter 4, the situation for the following profiles are presented: women, separated into single and married, LGBT persons, children, Chechens eligible for military service, and human rights activists and dissidents.

The criminal justice system is presented in Chapter 5 through the following subsections: treatment by police (including the subject of identity checks), criminal cases against Chechens, reporting a crime, the complaints procedure, legal remedies, access to lawyers, and the rights to appeal.

In the sixth chapter, Chechen authorities’ potential information exchange with Russian federal authorities is examined, as well as the role of the Chechen community in providing information to the Chechen authorities and the Chechen authorities’ cooperation with the federal authorities.

In the last chapter, the reception of Chechens returnees is looked into.

This report was co-drafted by Country of Origin Information (COI) specialists from the COI units and asylum offices in the Czech Republic, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.

The initial drafting of this report was finalised on 30 April 2018. No new research has been conducted after, although complementing information has been included after the peer review phase.

This report was written according to the EASO COI Report Methodology.

The following national asylum and migration departments reviewed the report, together with EASO:

Austria, Federal Office for Immigration and Asylum, Country of Origin Information Department

Belgium, Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons, Cedoca (Center for Documentation and Research)

Estonia, Police and Border Guard Board, Intelligence Management and Investigation Department, Intelligence Management Bureau

France, Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless persons (OFPRA), Information, Documentation and Research Division

Poland, Office for Foreigners, Department for Refugee Procedures, Country of Origin Information Unit

Politique de traitement

La politique définie par le commissaire général se fonde sur une analyse approfondie d’informations récentes et détaillées sur la situation générale dans le pays. Ces informations ont été recueillies de manière professionnelle auprès de diverses sources objectives, dont le Bureau européen d’appui en matière d’asile, le Haut-Commissariat aux réfugiés des Nations unies, des organisations internationales de défense des droits de l’homme, des organisations non gouvernementales, ainsi que la littérature spécialisée et les médias. Pour définir sa politique, le commissaire général ne se fonde donc pas exclusivement sur les COI Focus publiés sur le site du CGRA, qui ne traitent que de certains aspects particuliers de la situation du pays. Le fait qu’un COI Focus date d’un certain temps déjà ne signifie donc pas que la politique menée par le commissaire général ne soit plus d’actualité.

Pour examiner une demande d’asile, le commissaire général tient non seulement compte de la situation objective dans le pays d’origine à la date de la décision mais également de la situation individuelle et des circonstances personnelles du demandeur. Chaque demande d’asile est examinée au cas par cas. Le demandeur d’asile doit montrer de manière suffisamment concrète qu’il éprouve une crainte fondée de persécution ou court un risque réel d’atteintes graves. Il ne peut donc se contenter de renvoyer à la situation générale dans son pays mais doit également présenter des faits concrets et crédibles le concernant personnellement.

Pour ce pays, il n’y a pas une note de politique de traitement disponible sur le site web.

Fédération de Russie