This COI Focus aims to provide information on the security situation in Nangarhar province’s Jalalabad, Behsud and Surkhrod districts and is an update of both the COI Focus Afghanistan. Veiligheidssituatie Jalalabad, Behsud en Surkhrod and the Nangarhar chapter taken from the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Country of Origin Information Report. Afghanistan: Security Situation, published on 25 June 2021. This report presents information from 1 February 2020 until 31 May 2021. If any developments significantly change the security situation in these districts, Cedoca will update this COI Focus as soon as possible. For a general introduction to the security situation in Afghanistan, reference is made to the EASO report listed above, published in September 2020.
This report follows the structure of the individual provincial chapters in the EASO Country of Origin Information Reports on the security situation in Afghanistan.
This report was written according to the EASO COI Report Methodology (June 2019) and the EASO COI Referencing Guide (June 2019).