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Rapports récemment ajoutés

12 fév 2025

Deze COI Focus Algemene situatie biedt een overzicht en analyse van de actuele situatie in Georgië (januari 2021 – half januari 2025). De aandacht gaat hierbij specifiek uit naar de politieke situatie, het rechtssysteem, de implementatie van wetten, eventuele vervolging of mishandeling van personen met specifieke profielen (o.a. etnische en religieuze minderheden, LGBTI+, journalisten, activisten, politieke oppositie, gedetineerden, etc.) en de mate waarin hiertegen bescherming geboden wordt. De situatie in de twee de facto onafhankelijke regio’s Zuid-Ossetië en Abchazië, die zich aan het gezag van de centrale Georgische autoriteiten onttrekken, wordt afzonderlijk besproken.

Deze COI Focus is een actualisering van de COI Focus Georgië. Algemene situatie van 11 december 2023. Deze COI Focus geeft een zicht op de situatie tot en met 16 januari 2025.

11 fév 2025

The purpose of this security situation report is to provide relevant information for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, and in particular for use in the upcoming EUAA’s country guidance development on Sudan.

The report covers the period of February 2024 – November 2024, and it provides an update of the EUAA COI report: Sudan: Country Focus (April 2024). For topics not covered in the previous report such as the security situation in North, East and part of Central regions, the reference period is 15 April 2023 – 30 November 2024.

11 fév 2025

The purpose of this security situation report is to provide relevant information for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, and in particular for use in the upcoming EUAA’s country guidance development on Sudan.

The report covers the period of 1 February 2024 – 30 November 2024, and it provides an update of the EUAA COI report: Sudan - Country Focus published in April 2024. For topics not covered in the previous report the reference period is 15 April 2023 – 30 November 2024. Events taking place after the end of the reference period have not been included.

Tous les rapports (476)


29 Juin 2021

This COI Focus aims to provide information on the security situation in Nangarhar province’s Jalalabad, Behsud and Surkhrod districts and is an update of both the COI Focus Afghanistan. Veiligheidssituatie Jalalabad, Behsud en Surkhrod and the Nangarhar chapter taken from the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Country of Origin Information Report. Afghanistan: Security Situation, published on 25 June 2021. This report presents information from 1 February 2020 until 31 May 2021. If any developments significantly change the security situation in these districts, Cedoca will update this COI Focus as soon as possible. For a general introduction to the security situation in Afghanistan, reference is made to the EASO report listed above, published in September 2020.

This report follows the structure of the individual provincial chapters in the EASO Country of Origin Information Reports on the security situation in Afghanistan.

This report was written according to the EASO COI Report Methodology (June 2019) and the EASO COI Referencing Guide (June 2019).

25 Juin 2021

This report aims to provide information on the security situation in Afghanistan, which is relevant for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection.

This report is an update of the EASO COI report Afghanistan Security Situation first published in January 2015 and updated annually. This report is produced in line with the EASO COI Report Methodology (2019) and the EASO COI Writing and Referencing Style Guide (2019).

This report provides information about relevant security trends in the period between 1 January 2020 and 31 May 2021.

15 Juin 2021

This COI Focus aims to provide information on the security situation in Kabul City and is an update of both the COI Focus Afghanistan. Security Situation in Kabul City from 8 April 2020 and the Kabul City chapter taken from the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Country of Origin Information Report. Afghanistan: Security Situation, published in June 2021. This report presents information from 1 April 2020 until 15 May 2021. If any developments significantly change the security situation in Kabul, Cedoca will update this COI Focus as soon as possible. For a general introduction to the security situation in Afghanistan, reference is made to the EASO report listed above, published in June 2021. 

This report follows the structure of the individual provincial chapters in the EASO Country of Origin Information Reports on Afghanistan. The general description of the city contains information on the geography and population. The chapter on the background of the conflict takes a longer-term look at the security situation in Kabul and includes descriptions of the actors active in the city. In the chapter on recent security trends, the nature and frequency of the violence, illustrative incidents as well as civilian casualties and the further impact on civilians in Kabul are described within a timeframe from 1 April 2020 until 15 May 2021. Lastly, a separate chapter is dedicated to population displacements caused by the conflict and the situation of internally displaced people (IDPs) and returnees in Kabul City.

This report was written according to the EASO COI Report Methodology (June 2019) and the EASO COI Referencing Guide (June 2019).

14 Janvier 2021

Dans le présent COI Focus, le Cedoca se penche sur la prévalence de la corruption et de la fraude documentaire en Afghanistan. Ce rapport est une mise à jour du COI Focus Afghanistan. Corruptie en documentenfraude du 21 novembre 2017. Ce document décrit les évolutions perceptibles depuis janvier 2018 et se concentre sur la situation actuelle. Le Cedoca a principalement consulté des sources datées de janvier 2018 à décembre 2020. Compte tenu de leur pertinence toujours actuelle et pour une bonne compréhension du contexte de la corruption et de la fraude aux documents en Afghanistan, le Cedoca a aussi consulté ou repris plusieurs sources plus anciennes.

Le présent COI Focus ne donne pas de réponse définitive sur l’authenticité d’un document particulier qui aurait été fourni à l’appui d’une demande de protection internationale.

28 Septembre 2020

This report aims to provide information on the security situation in Afghanistan, which is relevant for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection.

This report is an update of the EASO COI report Afghanistan Security Situation first published in January 2015 and updated annually.

This report is the last one of a series of COI reports on Afghanistan published by EASO between July and September 2020.

26 Août 2020

The report provides an overview of the state structure, security institutions and state judiciary in Afghanistan. It is meant to be read in conjunction with other 2020 EASO COI reports on Afghanistan, which provide relevant information regarding topics such as customary law and informal dispute resolution, the main insurgent groups, targeted violence, security situation and armed conflict developments, and key socioeconomic indicators.

The report is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on presenting an overview of the state structure in Afghanistan, including governance, corruption, and the latest developments on the 2019 elections. The second part focuses on the state security institutions, their mandate and structure, integrity, and the main reported cases of violations perpetrated by these security forces. The third part of the report provides a general overview of the state judiciary, focusing on its capacity, integrity, effectiveness in prosecution, as well as prison conditions.

The drafting of this report was finalised on 30 June 2020. Any event taking place after this date is not included in this report.
