The purpose of this COI Focus is to assess the security situation in Pakistan. It is particularly focused on the period from 1 January 2023 to 30 April 2024. Events that took place during the drafting of this report in April and May 2024 are also included. This report is an update of the COI Focus Pakistan. Security situation (February 28, 2023).
Rapports récemment ajoutés
Le présent COI Focus dresse un état des lieux de la situation sécuritaire au Burundi. Il s’agit d’une mise à jour du COI Focus Situation sécuritaire du 31 mai 2023, qui reprend les principaux développements survenus entre juin 2023 et le 31 janvier 2025.
Deze COI Focus Algemene situatie biedt een overzicht en analyse van de actuele situatie in Georgië (januari 2021 – half januari 2025). De aandacht gaat hierbij specifiek uit naar de politieke situatie, het rechtssysteem, de implementatie van wetten, eventuele vervolging of mishandeling van personen met specifieke profielen (o.a. etnische en religieuze minderheden, LGBTI+, journalisten, activisten, politieke oppositie, gedetineerden, etc.) en de mate waarin hiertegen bescherming geboden wordt. De situatie in de twee de facto onafhankelijke regio’s Zuid-Ossetië en Abchazië, die zich aan het gezag van de centrale Georgische autoriteiten onttrekken, wordt afzonderlijk besproken.
Deze COI Focus is een actualisering van de COI Focus Georgië. Algemene situatie van 11 december 2023. Deze COI Focus geeft een zicht op de situatie tot en met 16 januari 2025.
The purpose of this security situation report is to provide relevant information for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, and in particular for use in the upcoming EUAA’s country guidance development on Sudan.
The report covers the period of February 2024 – November 2024, and it provides an update of the EUAA COI report: Sudan: Country Focus (April 2024). For topics not covered in the previous report such as the security situation in North, East and part of Central regions, the reference period is 15 April 2023 – 30 November 2024.
Tous les rapports (477)
The purpose of this COI Focus is to assess the security situation in Pakistan. It is a partial update of the Country of Origin Information Report Pakistan: Security situation which was drafted by Cedoca and published on 27 October 2021 by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA). This update is particularly focused on the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022. Events that took place during the drafting of this report in January and February 2023 are also included.
In deze COI Focus beschrijft Cedoca de prevalentie van corruptie en documentenfraude in Pakistan. Dit document is een actualisering van de COI Focus Pakistan. Corruptie en documentenfraude van 21 januari 2021. Dit document bevat de nieuwe ontwikkelingen sinds januari 2021 tot en met september 2022. Cedoca heeft het onderzoek afgesloten op 29 september 2022.
This report describes the situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
The report revises the previous EASO COI report Pakistan – situation of Afghan refugees, released in May 2020. It specifically covers developments between 1 May 2020 and 17 March 2022.
The report consists of three main chapters. The first chapter describes the general background of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.
The second chapter of the report examines the legal status of Afghan refugees living in Pakistan and describes the documentation process of registered and unregistered Afghan refugees.
The third chapter provides information on socio-economic situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan according to their legal status.
This report is an update to the previous EASO COI Report Pakistan – Security Situation published in October 2020. This report provides information on elements and indicators that may help in assessing the need for international protection.
The reference period for the events described in this report is from 1 August 2020 until 31 July 2021. However, to allow a better comparison with 2020, for data on violent incidents and civilian casualties, the timeframe is between 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2020 and 1 January 2021 until 31 July 2021.
The COI report was drafted by a Country of Origin Information (COI) specialist from Cedoca, the Belgian COI unit of the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Person.
In deze COI Focus beschrijft Cedoca de prevalentie van corruptie en documentenfraude in Pakistan. Dit document is een actualisering van de COI Focus Corruptie en documentenfraude van 23 september 2019. Dit document bevat de nieuwe ontwikkelingen sinds september 2019 tot en met de eerste helft van januari 2021. Cedoca heeft het onderzoek afgesloten op 15 januari 2021.