Rapports récemment ajoutés

18 déc 2024

Ce document présente des informations sur les possibilités de voyager depuis Bruxelles vers Bamako ainsi que sur les possibilités de déplacement pour rejoindre les régions du sud du Mali à partir de la capitale. Dans la dernière partie, il traite des retours de ressortissants maliens organisés par le gouvernement en 2023 et 2024. Pour élaborer ce COI Focus, le Cedoca s’est appuyé sur des informations publiques disponibles en novembre 2024. Le Cedoca a clôturé ses recherches le 26 novembre 2024. Ce rapport constitue une mise à jour du COI Focus du 26 avril 2024 portant le titre Mali. Possibilités de retour : liaisons aériennes vers Bamako.

18 déc 2024

En raison des événements récents survenus en Syrie, le COI et la note de politique de traitement du CGRA concernant ce pays pourraient ne plus être d’actualité.

Dans le contexte de ces événements, le CGRA a décidé en date du 9 décembre 2024 de suspendre partiellement le traitement des dossiers des demandeurs originaires de Syrie : les décisions sont suspendues, à l’exception de la prise des décisions concernant des bénéficiaires d’un statut de protection dans un autre État membre de l’Union européenne.

17 déc 2024

The purpose of this report is to provide relevant information in view of the assessment of international protection, including refugee status and subsidiary protection.

The report covers the period of 1 October 2023 – 25 October 2024. Events taking place after the end of the reference period have not been included.

The report’s first chapter provides information on an overview of the country, covering aspects such as geography, ethnic groups, and the state structure. The second chapter focuses on political developments, while the third chapter details the main actors involved in the conflict, including Pakistan's armed forces and non-state armed groups. The fourth chapter provides information on the security situation, with a focus on regional variations. The fifth chapter provides information on the structure and functioning of the judiciary. The sixth chapter focuses on the treatment of certain profiles and groups of population and the seventh chapter addresses the socio-economic and humanitarian situation, and the final chapter provides information on the situation of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

Tous les rapports (469)


11 Novembre 2024

The purpose of this report is to provide information relevant for international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection, and in particular for use in updating EUAA’s country guidance development on Afghanistan.

The report covers the period of 1 October 2023–30 September 2024. The report is an update of the EUAA COI Report: Country Focus – Afghanistan published in December 2023. Events taking place after the end of the reference period have not been included.

13 Septembre 2024

In deze COI Focus bestudeert Cedoca de prevalentie van corruptie en documentenfraude in Afghanistan. Dit rapport is een actualisering van de COI Focus Afghanistan Corruptie en documentenfraude van 14 januari 2021 (update). Dit document bevat de nieuwe ontwikkelingen sinds januari 2021 en spitst zich toe op de huidige situatie. Op die manier bespreekt dit rapport de overgang van de Republiek Afghanistan naar het door de Taliban uitgeroepen Islamitisch Emiraat Afghanistan na hun machtsovername in augustus 2021. Cedoca sloot het onderzoek af op 23 augustus 2024.

14 Décembre 2023

In deze COI Focus bestudeert Cedoca de migratiebewegingen van Afghanen sinds de machtsovername door de Taliban in augustus 2021. Cedoca raadpleegde hiervoor voornamelijk bronnen die dateren van na augustus 2021. Omwille van hun relevantie en voor een goed begrip van de context van migratie in Afghanistan, werden ook enkele oudere bronnen geconsulteerd en opgenomen. Cedoca sloot het onderzoek voor deze COI Focus af op 15 november 2023.

05 Décembre 2023

The purpose of this report is to provide information relevant for international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection.

It provides an update on the security, humanitarian, and socio-economic situation in the country, and reviews the latest developments on the treatment of select profiles by the de facto Taliban government.

The report covers the period of 1 July 2022–30 September 2023. The report is partly to be read as an update of the following COI reports published in August 2022: (1) EUAA COI Report: Afghanistan – Targeting of individuals, (2) EUAA COI Report: Afghanistan – Security Situation, and (3) EUAA COI Report – Key socio-economic indicators in Afghanistan and in Kabul City. Events taking place after the end of the reference period have not been included.

23 Août 2022

The purpose of this report is to provide security-related information relevant for international protection status determination.

This report is an update of the EASO COI report Afghanistan Security Situation first published in January 2015 and updated annually.

The reference period is 15 August 2021–30 June 2022. The report is to be read in conjunction with two other COI reports published by EUAA in August 2022: Afghanistan – Targeting of Individuals and Afghanistan – Key Socio-economic Indicators in Afghanistan and in Kabul City.

The drafting of this report was finalised on 8 July 2022. Only a few incidents taking place after this date were included in this report, such as the killing of Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri in a US-drone attack on 31 July 2022.

16 Août 2022

The purpose of this report is to provide information relevant for international protection status determination. The report contains information on targeting of individuals in Afghanistan.

The reference period is 1 December 2021–30 June 2022, and the report is partly to be viewed as a continuation of the EASO COI report: Afghanistan – Country Focus (January 2022).

Sections covering education personnel and forced recruitment were not covered in this preceding report. Therefore, these sections have reference periods starting on the date of the Taliban takeover of power in Afghanistan (15 August 2021). The background chapters also contain information from before the reference period.

The drafting of this report was finalised on 30 June 2022. Events taking place after this date are not included in this report, except for some clarifying information on the outcomes of a grand assembly that took place in Kabul City on 30 June 2022–2 July 2022.

This report was jointly written by the Country of Origin Information (COI) sector of EUAA and notably the Centre for Documentation and Research (Cedoca), the Belgian COI unit of the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Person (CGRS).
