Dit onderzoek maakt een stand van zaken op over de veiligheidssituatie in de Somalische hoofdstad Mogadishu. Het richt zich in het bijzonder op de periode van 1 januari 2022 tot en met 30 juni 2022. Dit document is een update van de COI Focus van 28 februari 2022. Cedoca heeft het onderzoek afgesloten op 9 september 2022.
Rapports récemment ajoutés
L’objectif de la présente recherche consiste à dresser un état des lieux de la situation sécuritaire au Burkina Faso. Elle porte en particulier sur la période allant du 10 juin 2023 au 9 juillet 2024. Il s’agit d’une mise à jour du COI Focus daté du 13 juillet 2023.
In deze COI Focus bestudeert Cedoca de prevalentie van corruptie en documentenfraude in Afghanistan. Dit rapport is een actualisering van de COI Focus Afghanistan Corruptie en documentenfraude van 14 januari 2021 (update). Dit document bevat de nieuwe ontwikkelingen sinds januari 2021 en spitst zich toe op de huidige situatie. Op die manier bespreekt dit rapport de overgang van de Republiek Afghanistan naar het door de Taliban uitgeroepen Islamitisch Emiraat Afghanistan na hun machtsovername in augustus 2021. Cedoca sloot het onderzoek af op 23 augustus 2024.
Deze COI Focus beschrijft de situatie van Tigrayanen in de Ethiopische hoofdstad Addis Abeba. Dit rapport is een update van de COI Focus Ethiopië. De situatie van Tigreërs in Addis Abeba van 23 juni 2023. Het behandelt de periode van mei 2023 tot mei 2024. Cedoca rondde het onderzoek af op 27 juni 2024.
Cedoca voerde een fact-findingmissie (FFM) uit naar Ethiopië van 14 tot 24 november 2023. Deze missie is ondernomen met de financiële steun van het Europese Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).
Tous les rapports (451)
Dit onderzoek maakt een stand van zaken op over de veiligheidssituatie in de Somalische hoofdstad Mogadishu. Het richt zich in het bijzonder op de periode van 1 juni 2020 tot en met 1 januari 2022. Dit document is een update van de COI Focus van 29 juni 2021. Cedoca heeft het onderzoek afgesloten op 6 januari 2022.
This report provides an overview of the main security trends and incidents at national level in the period January 2020 – 30 June 2021, as well as details on conflict dynamics, territorial control/influence, and armed actors at regional level. Finally, the report provides regional details about incidents, their impact on civilian life, internal displacement, and conflict related humanitarian issues.
The report builds upon preceding EASO COI reports of the same project/study with focus on Somalia: Actors, Targeted profiles and Key socio-economic indicators. They were published in the period July-September 2021. They should be read in conjunction with one another. This series of COI reports provide relevant information on international protection status determination for Somali asylum seekers and will be used in the development of EASO country guidance note on Somalia.
This report provides in-depth information about following potentially targeted profiles: people recruited by and deserters from Al-Shabaab; women and girls; individual perceived as contravening religious laws/tenets; minorities and non-minority clans; individuals involved in blood feuds/clan disputes; individuals supporting or perceived as supporting the government, the international community, and/or as opposing Al-Shabaab; journalists; LGBTIQ.
This report should be read in conjunction with other 2021 EASO COI reports on Somalia, such as EASO COI report on Somalia: Actors (July 2021), the EASO COI report on Somalia: Key socio-economic indicators (September 2021), and the Somalia: Security situation (September 2021). This series of COI reports provide relevant information on international protection status determination for Somali asylum seekers and will be used in the development of EASO country guidance note on Somalia.
The report provides background information and details on key socio-economic indicators in three Somali cities, namely Mogadishu, Garowe, and Hargeisa. These represent the main urban centres in Somalia, including Puntland and Somaliland.
This report provides an overview as well as details about demographic/clan composition, humanitarian issues, mobility and accessibility, socio-economic indicators, and social-protection networks in the above-mentioned cities.
The report builds upon the preceding EASO COI report on Somalia: Actors(July 2021) and belongs to the same Somalia COI project along with the EASO COI report on Somalia: Targeted profiles and EASO’s COI report on Somalia: Security situation (September 2021).
This series of COI reports provide relevant information on international protection status determination for Somali asylum seekers and will be used in the development of EASO country guidance note on Somalia.
The purpose of this report is to provide relevant context information in view of the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection. Among others, the report is intended to inform the development of Country Guidance on Somalia (2022). The report provides background information and mapping of relevant state and non-state actors/conflict dynamics in Somalia, upon which subsequent reports will build. These forthcoming EASO COI reports will focus on the Somalia Security Situation, Targeted Profiles and Key Socio Economic Indicators and are due to be published later in 2021. This report provides an overview of the main state and non-state actors in the Somali context, including their armed forces, at federal as well as at member state level. Details on relevant dynamics, territorial control/influence, governance as well as access to justice are also provided. Finally, the report provides an overview about the human rights conduct and abuses of main armed groups/security forces.